Tuesday, 8 June 2010

My Past is Back.

I have just been told that a guy I was in rehab with and with whom I went on to have a torrid 8 month relationship with immediately after I had left rehab, has been spotted by a friend. They spoke. He told her he has just come out of another treatment centre, and right now he is drug and alcohol–free, apparently.
This is the guy with whom I did many sober ‘firsts’ with, in my new après rehab life.
This is the guy with whom nearly 6 years ago I had a few-days-long cocaine and vodka session with, when we relapsed together in a frenzied binge.
After rehab together, we then used together. Full circle.
This is the only guy that I have known for certain had cheated on me. It was the woman that this guy cheated on me with whom I spoke to for over an hour to get every single detail from her about their liaison, before telling him not bother contacting me again. Ever.
This is the guy who I wished dead.
And this is the guy who I’ve suddenly realised I no longer resent and dare I say it, I wish nothing but good for him.

