Friday, 18 December 2009

Sod's Law.

I hope you’ve had a less peculiar day than I have. I booked today off work so I could got to Yorkshire, and this is what happened:
First, I over slept. I finally got onto the train to take me into central London, and 15 minutes into the journey I realised that I didn’t have some tablets that I needed. I got off the train and turned back home to get them.
I eventually got to the mainline station to get the train north, and there was huge delays. Hoards of people and lots of cancellations. I waited for over an hour until my train was also canceled. I went back onto the underground to head home, and got a train going in the opposite direction. Fuck. I got off after 3 stops, realising that I was going in the wrong direction and got onto the right line and went back from where I’d come.
I then had to change. I got on the final train home and sat, and waited and sat, and sat some more... Then, an announcement : ‘We are held here, delayed for approximately 20 minutes because we are waiting for a driver’.


I finally got home, knackered and discovered that I have come on my period. Bloody hell !
I got into bed for an afternoon snooze, then got up and put the hob on to heat some wax. I went back into the sitting room to mind my own business. Next thing I could smell burning. I scurried back into the kitchen, and it was obvious that I’d left a plastic container of soup on the now, hot, ring... Of course it was burning and the kitchen was filled with smoke.

I give up for today.
I’m trying not to move now. I’m gonna stay put, on the sofa and try not to get into any more trouble.