So, tomorrow morning I will be sitting on a flight jetting too Sardinia . I’m really excited. It’s going to be fun. My friend and I are both broke, so there’s no pressure to run around the island like we got ants in our pants, taking helicopter rides and eating Beluga caviar just to convince ourselves that we’re really participating in our vacation.
To hell with that. We’ll be keeping a low profile, lounging around and laughing manically no doubt.
As I’ve said before L. Is a regal beauty who is smart, funny and clever and more emotionally mature than I am – despite being a little younger than me. Just as it was when we went to Egypt, we had minimal contact with other people, and just stuck to entertaining each other.
And no, that did not involve cunnilingus. But than you for considering that it may have done.
I’m sitting here doing something that I know is ruining my hair; attempting to colour it a couple of shades lighter – just so when I have a tan, I’m going to look fucking hot!
I’ll eat healthily and drink too much water while away – then come back next sunday and you know what I’m going to do then?
I’m going to begin a torrid affair with Mr F - My 51 year old sexpert. I text him today to check he’s single. And he is. Lucky him. Lucky me.
He seems excited about our upcoming fling – and hell, so am I. You know when someone on some level seems to just real you in? They seems to chemically smell just right for you at a very instinctive level? That’s him with me. Not only is he one of those cool, rich looking, sexily dressed,tanned, artistic, and educated men – he also has a penis which as well as being above average size – inside me it feels perfect.
If I wasn’t going away early morning and if he wasn’t spending today with pals – I’d probably be riding him tonight. He said that – I hadn’t thought of it. But of course, he’s far too classy to say it in those words.
It is roughly a year ago when we had our thing – before I got with Dee, and just before I had the liaison with CG... Yes, yes it was a busy year.
The weather was slightly warmer and equally as sunny as it was today. And as I went about my business of buying a couple of pretty bikini’s for the beach, I started thinking about how I used to lay in his gigantic bed which was on the top floor of a converted warehouse building, which he lived in the whole of. Two of the walls were acres of patio glass and the bed was in the middle of the large room.
So you wonder why I don’t just lay off men for a bit? Three reasons:
1. I’m searching for a man to be with and to father my children. ( OK, it’s not going to be Mr F – but still...we both know where we stand with that. And i can continue my search while we entertain eachother. I think that's how it works, anyway...)
2. I don’t really like to admit this, but I am needy when it comes to feeling love. And since I don’t have family or anyone to anchor myself to, I try and find it with men.
3. I don’t want to lay off them. I love sex, kissing, touching, hanging out with and all that comes with having a bloke.
Sorry if that sounds shit and I should be wavering the independence banner – that’s too bad.
I’m not like that. I maybe do not need a man to actually live and breathe – but I do want one. So what? I don’t need to have someone to sleep with every night. No. I enjoy sleeping alone.
But I want to love and be loved. And I want to be with someone who is emotionally mature enough to take allow me my tedious insecurities.
But before that happens – Daddy Gee and his Missus are coming to stay with me, the weekend after I get back! Yaaay! Can’t wait.
But for now – it’s holiday time amigos.
I need to go and wash this colour outta my hair now, and see what the heck i’ve done to it this time.... poor hair.
I will try and write a couple of posts while I’m away. I don’t want y’all to forget me.
I told you ... I’m needy.
Sue me.
Check out my Facebook page if you fancy a more personal chat. I'm under the name Missy Gee.