Monday, 27 April 2009

Important Information!

Oh Poo! My Facebook page was closed down.... very strange! I wasn't soliciting any bad behaviour and I wasn't ensiting hate - but I am not worthy, clearly. What a bummer .... ALL THOSE NOTES, ALL THAT TIME, ALL THOSE PALLS...

Well, ce la vie.

I've opened another Facebook account under the name Missy Gee (again.) I feel a tad silly doing this, since let's face it, I wasn't doing anything wrong before - and now I'm about to repeat the same actions (using Facebook) and I'm expecting a different result. That's not really how I live my life - repeating behaviours that give a negative response - but there you go....let's see what happens.

Check out my Facebook page if you fancy a more personal chat. I'm under the name Missy Gee.